OnJun 25th, 2013, China World Peace Foundation and Grenadian Embassyin Chia held feature film reception in Peace Garden Museum. Diplomatic envoysand representatives from Caribbean countries of Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Haiti,Barbados, Guyana, Bahamas, as well as leaders from China Development Bank,CCPIT and Xinhua News attended this event.
Thisfilm narrates the establishment and developing history of Grenada ChocolateFactory. Local cultures and landscapes are well displayed through this film.Mr. Li Ruohong, Chairman of China World Peace Foundation, and Mr. RichardNixon, Charge d’affaires of Grenadian Embassy in China, conducted heatedexchanges with all the guests after the screening was over. Mr. Li Ruohong putforward potential opportunities for cultural communication and investmentexchanges between China and Latin American countries based on his impressionson visiting Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Cuba and Bahamas. Mr. Richard Nixonsaid, this activity would be a good start for the cooperation an importantwindow for enhancing the relationship between China and Grenada.
Diplomatic envoys fromdifferent countries and leaders from different sides attend this activity
OnJun 26th, China World Peace Foundation attended a reception tohomage writer and Nobel Laureate Gabriel Garcia Marquez held by ColumbianEmbassy in China. During the exchange with ambassadors and representatives fromColumbia, Chile, Peru and Bolivia, Mr. Li Ruohong said that, China World PeaceFoundation will promote social, cultural and economic cooperation based on theconcept of Peace and Culture.